Steel & Tin Mill Products

Steel Mill ProductMancuso Chemicals Limited has been a manufacturer for the steel and tin mill industry since it was incorporated in 1986, although production on the site first started in 1979.

We are the largest producer of Phenol Sulphonic Acids (ManBrite™ PSA) for the Ferrostan process in Canada. Our customer list includes mills in Canada, USA, Venezuela, Chile, Brasil and Taiwan. Various specifications can be manufactured depending on your application including the standard USA Steel specifications with lower free phenol and free sulphuric acid grades that some companies require.

For our steel mill customers, we have three major product lines including our ManHib™, a highly efficient acid inhibitor designed for hydrochloric acid based pickling operations, MillKleen™ degreaser products for cleaning equipment, floors and trucks, and  StainFree™, a steel coil cleaner and stain preventer. Steel MillWe are set up to provide the quick delivery turn around that mills require.


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